Job Searching Is Like Going To The Gym

Time to read: 1 minute 15 seconds

Welcome to week 2 of Job Searching for Corporate Rebels!

An effective job search builds momentum. You start with a handful of connections and grow it into a vibrant matrix. This means three things:

  1. You have to start somewhere which means you can start anywhere.
  2. The start may be slow. That's ok. It takes a while to build momentum.
  3. You want your job search to take on a life of its own.

Looking for a job is like going to the gym. When you start, working out doesn't feel great. You can't lift much weight, and your body feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable. You force yourself to go. After a few weeks, a bicep appears, and you sleep better. As you start to see results, you become intrinsically motivated to work out.

Job searching works the same way. Doing reps gets results. Job search reps are making calls, talking to people, submitting resumes, and just like the gym, refining your approach will focus your results as you progress (tailoring your resume, honing your talking points).

Job searching isn't magic (until you get the offer, then it definitely feels like magic). It's a matter of discipline and willingness. Doing the work. Talking to people. Sending applications. Do the reps. Over time, you build momentum.

Today's Hot Tip: Do the reps. Job searching isn't complex. Just do the reps.

In the next couple of weeks, I'll share more about how to build momentum. Stay tuned.

If you have a friend or colleague who could benefit from 14 years of experience in career development and job seeking, please hit forward and share this newsletter with them. They can subscribe here to receive the whole series.

Reach out anytime!


When You're Uncomfortable, Do This….

Time to read: 36 little seconds

Kids off to college!

My clients are changing careers, managing large teams through murky corporate restructuring, contemplating retirement, supporting their own businesses, and starting new jobs. People are approaching weddings, family drama, and children leaving home for college. As you've probably heard and felt yourself, it's a lot.

What do all these things have in common? They make you uncomfortable.

Most of these changes are good things… eventually. The road to get there is paved with uncertainty which can lead to fear, powerlessness, and the urge to do something.

Doing something to stave off discomfort leads to these kinds of choices:

  • over-performing
  • drinking
  • drama and conflict
  • avoiding
  • denial

Let's just say, these aren't the most effective choices and each one carries its own undesirable consequences. You have another option when you feel uncomfortable.


This doesn't mean stick around in a bad situation. Stay means remain alert, keep going, pay attention, know you can live with your discomfort, and trust yourself to know when it's time to act.

Just stay

It's simple. Easy. Costs nothing.

Do you have a friend or colleague who is trying to live in a blender of change? Please forward this blog to them. They can sign up for it here.