What's Your Weird Little Process?

Time to read: 53 seconds

A client was berating himself for making a big decision that didn't work out like he'd hoped. As he told the story it became clear that he is the kind of person who has to experience life up close and personal before he knows what's true. He has to feel life, and sometimes blow things up to understand what he really wants.

I pointed out that his discontent wasn't a sign of failure. The decision to make a significant change was his own weird little process of prototyping life…making things happen, trying things, going to the edge to see how it feels in order to understand better what's important to him. He left our session feeling better than when he arrived because he found acceptance for his process.

What's your weird little process?

For example, I used to FREAK OUT before launching something new. Once I understood that the freak-out was just a little stop I needed to make on my way to courage, I stopped worrying that something was wrong. My clients make stops in apathy or procrastination or silence or any number of other weird little processes.

The trick is to accept and appreciate your process and drop any judgment or worry. When you can do that, life gets MUCH easier.

What's yours? Write to me and tell me all about it. I really do love hearing from you.

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