The Holidays Are Coming!

Time to read: 21 seconds

Swarovski Christmas dogs. Yup, I love crystal animals.

In the USA, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and then it's the holidays!

This time of year is accelerated…year end at work, prepping for celebrations, time with family (and the complexities that can bring), and all the feelings and busyness that come with November and December. My clients already report feeling slammed.

So, until January, I'm going to make these newsletters short….a quote, a piece of advice I share often, a thought. The idea is you can dive in and in a few seconds, leave with just what you need. Easy. Effortless. You need your time elsewhere right now.

If you love the quote or thought, share it with your friends and colleagues. They can sign up to receive this newsletter here. It may be the best gift you give this year. It's free and takes up no space in your closet.

Here is today's: Pay attention to what you think about, talk about and do. If you don't like those things, change them. Talk about something else. Find something interesting to think about. Make a new choice. Even a small one.

Love to all of you! Please email anytime. I love to hear from you.


Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Time to read: 1:22.25

Money, money, money!

Money, money, money!

I spend my days talking to people about their work lives and how to make their work lives more fulfilling and life giving. A topic that comes up with some regularity is MONEY.

Here are the things I hear:

  • How can I get more money (i.e. get promoted)?
  • How can I stop spending so much money?
  • I feel guilty for wanting to buy this couch, jewelry, trip... fill in the blank on your own guilty purchase.
  • I feel shallow for even caring about money.

So, as the spending season of the holidays approaches, let's talk turkey about money (HA! Pun intended.) by dispelling some money myths:

  1. Money can't buy happiness. This myth has been scientifically debunked in many studies. Increasing income does equate to more happiness, to a point, and that point is around $75,000 a year. Reducing financial worries increases happiness. Being able to meet your family's needs buys happiness. Being generous with your money buys happiness. More than $75,000 is not correlated with ever increasing happiness.

  2. Poverty is noble. Somewhere deep in our collective psyche is the notion that poverty is noble - that not having or not caring about money means you care more about social justice or you are somehow living closer to some deep truth. I've lived in many places in the world and have had many friends who would never say their poverty is noble. They work very hard to achieve a level of financial security that supports their families. Perseverance and autonomy are noble. Love and generosity are noble.

  3. Wanting money makes you greedy. There is certainly a way that striving after money for the sake of amassing a huge bank account or using money to step on others is greedy. And, the desire to have money can be channeled into a desire to live according to your values - buying an electric car, donating to causes you care about, buying a couch to provide a place for family to gather, providing scholarships to children to receive an education (to name just a few).

  4. Money is about buying stuff. Yes, it is lovely to be able to buy groceries and Christmas gifts without anxiety. And money buys much more than stuff. It buys you freedom. It buys you time. Paying for help in your house or someone to cook (I wish!) frees your time to do your work in the world. Money enables you to make choices, about where you live, how you spend your day, and how you honor your values.

The existence of money is simply another form of energy in your life. Use it consciously to honor your values and create freedom, and you will find that in fact, money does buy happiness.

Happy almost Thanksgiving!


P.S. As a big fan of Christmas, December's newsletters will be inspired by Christmas - all things gifts. If you know someone who would love to spend this season celebrating gifts and presents, please forward this newsletter to them. They can join us here!


Want more freedom, gratitude + badassery in your life?

Estimated read time: Maybe 1 little minute.

The word badassery is fun to say so let's say it as many times as we can. Badassery, badassery, badassery.

The word badassery is fun to say so let's say it as many times as we can. Badassery, badassery, badassery.

It's Thanksgiving in the USA tomorrow, and I am so, so grateful - for my family's health, for the love that surrounds us, and for all of you. I'll be giving thanks in a big way.

The whipped cream on the pecan pie was being invited to participate in my dear friend, Sandra's, interview series, Unleash Your Inner Badass. What she calls badassery (said it again!), we in Corporate Rebel Land call rebelicious.

Thanksgiving is not a traditional gift-giving holiday, and we don't do things the traditional way around here.

Too many people settle for mediocrity, become victims of their circumstances, and simply complain about the way things are. I don’t think that’s you, though. I think you are someone who sees the value of investing in yourself, training your mind, and taking responsibility for your life and the world around you.

That's why I said yes to Sandra (and because I just downright love her). I'm careful with your time and only put things of real value in front of you. Sandra has produced a series of interviews that are fun and meaningful.

These interviews are packed with info to help you:

  • let go of what’s holding you back;
  • be more unapologetically you;
  • build a new, more badass (rebelicious), reality for yourself.

If you're too busy eating and watching the National Dog Show to catch our entertaining and real interview on Thanksgiving, no worries. It will be available for 72 hours. And all the interviews will be available starting December 1 so you can gorge yourself like a Thanksgiving feast.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.

It's my birthday. I'm giving you the gift I'm giving myself

Estimated read time: 34.24 seconds.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

My 49th birthday is on Saturday, and like a small child I'm thinking about what I want. (Here's a hint: It's not Legos.)

As many of you have noticed, there's been lots of exciting new stuff happening here at Corporate Rebel HQ. All this activity has been amazing and has taken a lot of energy.

These reflections make me think of you and all the energy you pour into your work. Big projects. End of year analyses. Performance appraisal cycles. Planning for 2017. This is a time of year when the pace starts to speed toward the holidays and what's next for 2017.

It's time for a little rest.

For my birthday, I'm giving you a gift. With this email, you have full permission to rest this weekend. To shut off your email. To sleep in. To eat cake. To snuggle your 2-legged and 4-legged loves.

I am going to do the same. I told my family I want to feel the love this weekend. Breakfast in bed. Handmade cards from my kids. A quiet weekend tucked on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars.

Enjoy your weekend!



P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.