How to Communicate Across Differences

Time to read: 56 seconds

I don't know what it is. My son created it in ceramics.

My son has managed, against everything you see and read, to create true friendships across significant differences. He has liberal friends who hunt and shoot guns, conservative friends who don't believe in evolution, friends who are atheists, and friends who have found Jesus. They hang out every day. And not only that, they talk (maybe banter is a better word as they are teen boys) about their differences openly and still play video games together every night.

In an increasingly polarized world where families are torn apart by politics and religion, I'm fascinated by how this group of 17-year-old boys is accomplishing something many adults can't. I asked him about it and he said, "they're kind." They see beyond differences to the complexity of each person - their talent in theater, sense of humor, and ability to destroy zombies in the nightly video game sessions. They are also able to hold their convictions without bowing to the crowd. I'm amazed and heartened.

I'm sharing a resource today to help us adults engage in effective conversation across differences, particularly in dealing with racism. The idea that love and connection can be part of uncomfortable situations is nothing short of revolutionary. If we see each other as kind and connected, wow…what would be possible?

So, here is a Ted Talk by Smith professor Loretta J. Ross about "Calling In" rather than "Calling Out." I'm pretty sure a group of teen boys isn't this graceful in their conversations yet. I hope you like it.

As always, I love to hear from you.

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Do You Gossip? 4 Things To Do Instead

Time to read: 1:11.15 minutes

Harry Potter was a close as I could come to mini-figures dressed for work.

Harry Potter was a close as I could come to mini-figures dressed for work.

Office gossip is an international sport. Talking about other people is as common as water coolers, cheap coffee, and windowless conference rooms. Gossip breeds mistrust. If someone is willing to gossip with you, there's a very good chance, they will also be glad to gossip about you.

I had a recent ah-ha about gossip in my own life. I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in a while. We were casually catching up when I happened to mention something that sparked her desire to complain about an organization to which we both belong. Luckily, we didn't have time to continue the conversation, and she walked way with the promise to call for a tea date.

After we parted, I realized I was tempted to gossip because what I wanted was true connection with her. Colluding and creating an unpleasant dynamic that would, frankly, leave me feeling like crap, was the price I have been willing to pay for connection in the past. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and I decided then and there that I would no longer let gossip and collusion hijack real connection.

Does using gossip as a tool for connection ring familiar to you?

Here are 4 things you can do to stop the gossip and go for the real connection instead:

  1. Be aware of how you feel when you succumb to gossip. Do you feel inspired and connected or dirty and sad (or something else completely)?
  2. Openly commit to stopping the gossip and collusion. Tell your friends and colleagues your commitment and recruit them to help you stick to it.
  3. Find points of real connection with others and talk about those things: common projects, shared interests, different interests, and current events. In my corporate days, we had a tradition of bringing funny or poignant stories from the radio as topics during lunch.
  4. Share you areas of personal and professional growth and recruit your friends and colleagues to hold you accountable to help you grow. Talking about yourself is waaaay more fun than talking about others any day.

May these suggestions bring you the real connection you crave.

With rebel love,


P.S. As always, if you like what you see in the Corporate Rebel, please share the love with your colleagues. They can join our merry band of rebels right here.