Practices That Change The World #9

Time to read: 36 seconds

There's a saying in coaching that goes like this, "The magic's in the telling." Oftentimes, simply telling your story of an experience is all you need to move through it.

Today's practice is LISTEN.

Here's a structure for really listening:

First, use this process for an experience that you can't seem to shake. Something that sticks to you.

Then, find a trusted person - a friend, therapist, even an aquaintance that you have good rapport with. This process can be one-direction or it's wonderful if you and the other person trade stories.

For the person talking: Your only job is to tell your story, starting wherever you want and adding in all the details.

For the person listening: Your job is to witness. You can ask clarifying questions that seek to understand. You are not care-taking, fixing, offering advice, or solving. You simply listen and witness.

Depending on the story, give yourself 1-1.5 hours. You want time to lay it all out.

Then feel the relief and watch the stickiness of your story dissipate over the next few days.

Behold the power of listening!

Have a great weekend!