Ready For A Change?

Time to read: 1 minute, 46 seconds

When Deana called me, she loved her job as the Executive Director of Business Operations for a big company in a big city. Then the pandemic hit in the middle of her Clarity U cohort, and change came fast and furious. Work from home. The possibility of an early retirement. Maybe even a move.

Deana wrestled with these decisions. Retiring from her job...moving to a new city…what did that mean for her financially? What did it mean for her identity? Thanks to the tools she learned in Clarity U, Deana retired with style and picked up stakes and moved to a new home in her dream city.

Deana says,

"I would say Clarity U helped me sort through all the old patterns, voices and stories that were getting in my way. The program was chock full of tools, concepts, methods, and approaches facilitated by a strong, intuitive, and caring coach and undergirded with peer support, feedback, and encouragement. From my new home in Santa Fe, I am filled with gratitude for the tools and people who helped me get here."

If you want a slice of what Deana found, I'd love to talk!

I've opened my calendar to connect with you 1:1. Choose a time here . We'll talk through what's going on in your world, find a solution or two and explore if Clarity U is a good fit for you.

Clarity U starts on November 16 so the window to chat with me will close soon.

I look forward to talking with you!


Who Is In Charge of Your Life And Career?

Time to read: Time to read? Less than one minute. Time to choose a time to chat? 30 seconds

One of my clients just quit her job. Her career and life purpose were skyrocketing when Covid hit and pulled out the rug. It's hard to find traction again when so much has changed. She's finding it hard to feel hopeful when the world outside her home is fundamentally different than it was even a few weeks ago. She's exhausted and frustrated. She's one of the most powerful leaders I know, and thank goodness she is taking the summer off to rest and regroup before jumping back into the arena.

Can you relate?

In our conversation we talked about how no one is coming to save her. The curtain has pulled back, and we've all seen that there is no Oz. That sentence sounds dire. Does part of you wish there were something, someone, anything (e.g. a boss, a workplace, a job change, a local or national leader, a new hobby) that would fix things? I know I wish for that sometimes (even if that Oz would simply make dinner.)

Actually, knowing there is no Oz puts the power back in your hands to craft your life and choose the experience you want to have every day at work and at home. No Oz means you decide when you need to rest and recover. No Oz means you determine your perspective. No Oz means you choose to suffer or live with ease and elegance. That is hopeful and empowering.

If you're wondering how to claim that agency and ownership, I have good news.

My signature 10-month group coaching program, Clarity U, starts again this Fall. This program is so good that friends of graduates reached out to sign up before official enrollment started. There is a terrific group already waiting for you.

If you'd like to learn how to craft work and life on your terms, let's chat! In 30-minutes, we'll talk about what's going on in your world, I'll make a suggestion or two, and we'll determine if Clarity U is your next step. Choose a time on my personal calendar here.


The Most Important Skill In Conflict

Time to read: 34 seconds

Here's a little secret about me. I love conflict. Conflict breeds clarity. Energy. Possibility. If handled well, conflict invites change, understanding, and creativity. (To clarify: I'm not talking about violence or war. I'm talking about interpersonal conflict at work and at home).

You only need to handle all types of conflict in your life, no matter how uncomfortable.


If a co-worker is angry because something you said made them feel thrown under the bus in a meeting, what do you do?


When your boss disagrees with a decision you made?


When your tween screams, "you don't understand!"


When your partner complains that all household chores fall to them....


Listening is easy. You don't have to have an answer. You don't have to know what to do. You only have to shut your mouth, manage your feelings, and listen. Maybe ask a clarifying question or two to keep the person talking.

Oh...and when you listen, you are seeking to understand. Not planning your response.

Give it a try. Next time you find yourself in a conflict big or small, try saying nothing and simply listening. For as long as it takes. Then let me know what happens! I love your stories.

Share my newsletter freely! Anyone can sign up here.


Do This One Tiny Thing #1

Time to read: 32 seconds. Time to do the tiny thing: 0



Here at the Corporate Rebel, we prioritize ease. My clients's lives are full so their coaching efforts must deliver the biggest bang for their buck. For the next 5 weeks, I'm going to share 5 fundamental strategies to help you get big results from small changes.

I invite you to make one tiny change each week in each of five areas. When you do, your efforts will add up and lead to more calm, energy and clarity.

Here's the first area: Nutrition.

Food = fuel. You already know everything there is to know about nutrition. Now it's time to make one small change in your eating habits to support your energy-level, focus and productivity. (Think about how hard it is to get stuff done when you're hungry.)

Here are some suggestions:

  • I used to "forget" to eat lunch. A couple of years ago, I committed to eating lunch every day.
  • Drop one cup of coffee.
  • If you're not a breakfast eater, try eating a little breakfast.
  • Add a salad to your dinner menu.
  • Add a piece of fruit to your afternoon snack.
  • Think of the next five weeks as a little mini-challenge (with a break for Thanksgiving). Make one small change each week. Easy peasy.

You'll get a big bang for your buck.

If you have a minute, post your action to The Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment (or join) here. The simple act of sharing your commitment with others ensures your accountability and success.

Have a great weekend!


Words To Last a Lifetime

Time to read: 26 seconds

Indiana Jones and the Bridge of Faith

One of my clients has been walking through the fire for a couple of months in order to clean up some old stuff and prepare for an exciting career move.

During our session this week, she told me how peaceful, calm, and confident she feels now. Doors are opening, and now she has the clarity and capacity to move forward. She started acknowledging me and thanking me for my help. I love a good compliment as much as anyone, and as she spoke, it became clear, she was not talking about me. She was talking about herself.

The words that poured from her were so profound, I asked if I could share them with you. Clearly, she said yes because here are her words.

"I put my faith in the person I know and the person I trust. I walked off the cliff and knew someone would catch me. I closed my eyes, put my foot out, and the bridge was there."

That is wisdom to last a lifetime.

Please email me and tell me what her quote means to you. I always love to hear from you.

Have a great weekend.