Challenge #7: Nothing

Time to read: Almost nothing!

In th spirt of nothing, there is no photo.

Welcome to week 7 of your summer challenge!

The first few weeks were about physical habits and clearing space. For the next few weeks, you'll turn your attention to habits of mind and ways to support calming your nervous system so you'll feel less stressed and more aligned with yourself.

I'm going to share the best strategies I teach my clients.

Today is a fan favorite.

Do nothing.

For the next week, notice when you have the urge to do something and see what happens when you pause, wait, and do nothing.

Sometimes it takes the sheer force of your will to stop the urge to act. This is not to say that action is bad or you should never take action. In fact, action is a future challenge. And for this week, see what solutions and resolutions emerge organically when you pause and do nothing.

As always, I love to hear your stories. Send me an email and tell me what you notice.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.



Back To Basics

Time to read: Short and immediately actionable

Eat your vegetables!

One of my coaching groups was talking about stress this morning. As the group outlined the strategies they use to manage stress and regulate mood, our 90-minute call sent us right back to the basics.

It's so easy to forget that managing stress is fundamentally a physical exercise. Meaning, it's about your body and soothing your nervous system. The list of strategies we created was so good, I wanted to share them with you.

You won't be surprised. You will be reminded of what's actually effective to manage stress:

  • Exercise (move your body!)
  • A healthy diet (eat your veggies!)
  • Sleep (rest and recover!)
  • Meditation (so soothing for the nervous system!)
  • Focus on process over outcome (become unattached!)
  • Know what is yours to own and what is not (discern and let things go!)

It's that simple. Move your body and eat vegetables. Oh, and sleep. Doesn't it seem like these are the answers to everything?

Have a great time playing with these this weekend!

Invite your friends to join for the fun weekly challenge that will run this summer (aka: this newsletter in challenge form). They can join the summer challenge by signing up for this newsletter here.