Practices I've Seen Change the World For My Clients

Time to read: Less than 2 minutes

Notice the bottom rung on this cool pyramid I found in a therapist's office

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a wonderful break, however you celebrate and however you were able to rest.

I thought about a lot of things over the holidays. In no particular order: cults (nothing says Christmas like The Vow), meditation, and how to change the world. This might seem like a weird little list and in fact, there are threads: being human, vulnerability, choices, and the passion that I know you all share for making the world a better place.

So, for a few weeks, I will share my best thinking on the practices that in my 12 years as a coach, I've seen change the world for my clients.

Why not start 2023 with a BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal)?

As is well established, you are powerful. What you put into your workplace, family and community makes a difference It matters. You matter. The things you do, who you are, and the choices you make ripple out. So, here is the first one:


Reflection is the first step toward self-awareness. Without reflection, you're driving in the dark with no map. When you see things >as they are - the good, the bad, the ugly, you are able to decide what to keep, what must go, and what you want to change. Reflection is the foundation for consciousness and intention.

So, in these dark days of winter (for those of you who are in the northern hemisphere), consider "reflect" this week.

And if you want to email me to tell me your thoughts about changing the world or stories of how you're doing it in your corner of the universe, email me here. I always love to hear from you.

Happy New Year!


2022 Predictions

Time to read: 12 seconds.


Welcome to 2022 wonderful Corporate Rebels!

Thank you for your responses to my request for input. I am digesting your thoughts and questions. You will soon see those in this weekly newsletter.

For today, I want to give you my predictions for 2022. (Yes, I have a crystal ball, and it shows the future.)

  1. Make peace with reality. Covid isn't going anywhere. Separation and division continues. Chaos and disruption in the world does not mean that you have to live in despair and frustration. Accept the situation. Drop resistance. When you accept where you (and we) are as it is, new possibilities open.  
  2. See possibilities. I laugh at my innocence in believing things would snap back to 2019 eventually. There is no going back, and the best choice is to keep going. I'm optimistic about the future. In my work I see healing, creativity and people stepping in to help. Pay attention to what is working. You'll be amazed by what you see and the possibilities in your work and life.  
  3. Be empowered. The power dynamic between employers and employees has shifted. During the pandemic, people felt the importance of their labor, time, and talent. Employees are no longer willing to work crazy hours and burn out their bodies and minds. I see people from cleaning staff to corporate directors taking back their power at work. Now is a good time to ask for what you want.  
  4. Be flexible. We're still in for a bumpy ride. In person at the office? Ha. Maybe. Maybe not. Online school? Goodness, I hope not. Covid rules? Who knows. Have grace for yourself and for the leaders and service providers you interact with. Assume positive intent and stay flexible with changes and interruptions. You'll be happier when you can easily pivot.

That's what I see for 2022. More coming soon.


Will You Do Me A Quick Favor?

Time to read: 12 seconds. Time to answer the questions 10-15 minutes.

It's the first week of 2022. Last year we were in lockdown.

And this year?

You are back at the office. Or you're not. You had fulfilling in-person holidays with your family. Or not. You have new energy and are ready to go this year. Or not.

I'd love to know how you're doing and what you're thinking. My goal in these newsletters and in the live events and courses I offer is to make a difference in your life and work. There's been so much change. I'm wondering, where are you now?

Will you shoot me an email and answer these three questions?

  • 1. How do you feel these days?
  • 2. What do you see ahead of you in 2022?
  • 3. If you followed a terrific executive coach and she was super helpful to you in 2022, what would she talk about? What would she do?
I love to hear from you. Welcome to 2022!


I Was Surprised to Realize What's Important Right Now

Time to read: 10 seconds.


2020. What a year.

Last week I was talking to a well-known psychologist in the world of parenting. He writes for major publications and blogs regularly. He told me he's not writing these days because he doesn't know what to say. I could relate.

It's been hard to write this newsletter. I've felt like to be worth your 45 seconds, I have to have answers for you or say something profound that will make this situation better. When I've watched 15 seasons of the Bachelor and am doing my best to bake away as much of this experience as possible, I've been struggling with how to make a difference for you.

And, even though the psychologist doesn't know how to help parents with online school, our conversation made me feel 100% better.

It dawned on me... What's important right now is process, not answers. It's helping you find your next step, even when the path is heading into a big unknown. You can navigate this moment well - with intention, kindness toward yourself and others, and clarity about what's important to you. You can bide your time in process, learn a lot about yourself, and figure out how to contribute from here until it's time to be out in the world in a bigger way.

If you got what you needed from this newsletter, stop reading. For the next few sentences, I'm going to invite you to join me for a powerful process that will set you up to let 2020 go and plan for a powerful 2021.

I'm excited for Goodbye 2020, Hell Yes! 2021. You, I and a group of your colleagues will spend 3 sessions uncovering what 2020 has been about for you and using 2020 as a springboard to your next step. This moment is too important to leave to chance. Join me to build a plan for moving forward.

Anyone can join. You can find more info and the registration here.

The early bird price goes through December 11, and the first session is December 17. If you have questions or want to know more before joining, email me.

Doing this process will make all the difference in 2021.

Can't wait to connect with you!



Three Steps to a Powerful 2020 Plan

Time to read: 1 little minute


Happy 2nd week of 2020 Rebels!

It takes a few weeks, maybe even 4-6 weeks to clean out the debris from 2019, wake up from the holidays, build your momentum, and be ready to set goals and intentions.

I’m coaching at a spa in Mexico this week. (I know. Someone’s gotta live this hard life. In a future newsletter, I’ll tell you how to create things like coaching at a spa in Mexico. It’s a great story.)

I had a blast planning 2020 on the flight. If you had asked me to plan 2020 two weeks ago, I would have poked you in the eye and gone back to bed.

Here are three tips for setting your 2020 plans:

  1. Wait until you are energetically ready to plan 2020. If it doesn’t feel easy, you are not ready. Don’t force it. Forcing just brings the energy of striving and pushing into your year. Bring the energy of ease and flow instead.
  2. Be disciplined about reflecting on 2019 and creating a plan. When the ideas start flowing, set aside time, make space, take notes. Your plan won’t create itself.
  3. Be open to surprises. When you do a structured reflection and planning process, the unexpected happens. Two of my goals for 2020 are to follow my urges (quickly moving past the doubt that stops me) and do new things. Before I sat down to process 2019, I didn’t see these goals coming.

Setting clear intentions and goals is a powerful practice. Your year will take off like a rocket before you even have a chance to write it all down. I haven’t finished writing my plan yet and today I handed my card to a fellow business traveler (following an urge) and I’ve taken up cross country skiing (something new).

Set your intentions and fill this year with ease and flow.

If you want my help with reflection and planning, reach out. If you want to tell me what you’re already doing, reach out. I love to hear from you.

With rebel love,


P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who is transitioning to the new year? Share this newsletter with them. If they choose to receive more, they can join us here.

P.P.S. The New Year is the perfect time for a Corporate Rebel Strategic Plan for Work and Life OR a Corporate Rebel Year End Reflection and Plan. Both offer the chance to reflect on 2019 and plan for 2020. Email me for more info.


What's Your Plan for 2019?

Time to read: A nice round one minute and fifteen seconds.


It's 2019. A new year. New possibilities. Now what?!

The truth is... I hate New Years. There's so much hype, and when I wake up on January 1st, it's the same life and the same me. You are likely at the same job as on Dec 31st. You feel much the same way about your life as you did before Christmas. You probably have to write a development plan for 2019 and would love to have something inspiring and new to write, but what? How?

Miraculous changes for the new year don't happen because the ball drops in Times Square. Growth happens because you choose it. You decide if 2019 will be the same old, same old or if you look back at 2019 as the year you took charge.

I'm a coach. (You know that, right?)

I have a couple of ideas for how you can chart a new course in 2019 to set yourself on the path to create what you want for your career and life. Both involve talking to me. And both are powerful stand-alone processes to analyze where you are, define where you want to go, and set a plan to get there. See what you think:

  1. The Year-End Evaluation: It's like a performance evaluation for 2018. We'll analyze what went well, what didn't and how you want to use all of that learning to set the direction for 2019. This process is for you if you already have a good sense of what you want, and you want to set powerful goals to get there.

  2. The Work and Life Strategic Plan: This is a deep inventory of all your professional and personal assets, your failures, your triumphs, what's important to you and where you are headed. This process is excellent if you are confused about what you want or uncertain about your next step. If you long for clarity and a plan forward, this process is for you!

It's been at least a year since I have opened my calendar beyond my private clients. To help you consider a new plan for 2019, I have opened a few spots in the next two weeks. Grab a spot here. We'll spend 30 minutes talking about the current state of your life and career, where you want to go, and what sort of support will help you get there - whether that's me, a DIY, or someone else.

If you want a new plan for the new year, let's talk. Don't settle for same-old, same-old. Make 2019 the year you put your work and life on your terms.

Choose a time to talk here.

(And if you need other times, please hit reply and email me. We'll find a time that works for you.)

Happy New Year, everyone! I look forward to connecting.

All the best!


P.S. Don't end up in March not knowing where you're headed this year. Put your career and life back on your terms with a plan... an actual plan... for 2019. Let's talk about how to do that. Choose a time here.

P.P.S. If one of your friends was complaining over her Winter Wonderland Martini that she has no plan for 2019, forward this email and have her choose a time. (Men friends are welcome, too!)